Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sunday Morning musings……….. (Circa March 2013)

After decades of being a believer, I have reached a stage wherein “To believe or not to believe” is not just a question ….. it questions the rationale as to if it is worth the while to live in a ‘make believe’ world.

That there is a higher authority above, which governs life on earth, is a matter of faith for some, and to others it is just make believe. Well since matters of faith are close to the hearts of those who choose it, the same are not the heart of the matter for those who don’t

Well, I am not challenging any authorities above, in whom many have put their faith and trust in, despite not having seen any fruits of redemption for years altogether. However disdainful it might seem, it is now my believe that whichever authority above that breathe life into us at our creation here on earth, the tasks and responsibilities of that authority ceased at that point of time. From then on it became to each his / her own.

Well, for my namesake, I am not ‘Darwing’ from the “Origin of Species”, having not read any pages from that book, but rather from my own rationale. Take for example the animals of the wild or for that matter the street animals that populate our urban and rural areas. From creation, they co-habit, challenge, compete, and copulate, with one another. Some live and die within or beyond their life span; others get killed in accidents or in fights or die due to hunger, disease or other known or unknown causes.

Isn’t the above the same with human beings? The only difference is that we have the capacity to think which gives us the ability to differentiate the right from the wrong, the good from the bad and the beauty from the ugly. With the gift of this thinking ability, why is it that we are unable to use it in our day to day survival issues, but prefer to look to the heavens above to deliver us from every which predicament we face? Isn’t it unfair that the animal kingdom cannot share in the kingdom and glory of those higher powers to pray and deliver them from their miseries? So in a way, our choice to seek the powers from above negates the fairness of the creator to put man and beast on earth and give man dominance over beast but also to seek higher powers as and when required or in need. Or is it that we are weak minded and do not trust our abilities to deal with all the cares and conflicts of life?

Having the capacity to think also gives human beings the moral authority (or the lack of it?) to sit on the throne of judgment and decide what is right or wrong. What is, or who is right or wrong, is a matter of perception or that which conflicts with our own believes of what according to us is right or wrong (not to be misunderstood that which has been laid down by the legal system of each country). What is sauce to the goose has never been the sauce to the gander. It is these believes in their own judgment or authority of what they conceive as right or wrong that put some people on their high horses and preach or proselytize to lesser mortals down below. The view from up there looks very rosy and hence it is very easy to preach sermons from that mount, not having to surmount challenges that foot soldiers face in their day to day existence.

So pray if you must, believe if you must, but desist from preaching or proselytizing if you are unable to dismount from that high horse and do it from ground zero. Life ideally should be a level playing field for one and all. However reality is where we live in and there is where we must base our thinking on day to day issues that confront us. The thoughts of food build up a good appetite, so too these musings are some food for thought

Bon Appetite !!!